Magee Park Shelter Construction
Sealed Bids for the Magee Park Shelter Construction, Bid No. 2022-001, will be received by the Bellbrook Sugarcreek Park District at the Park District Headquarters, 2751 Washington Mill Road, Bellbrook, Ohio 45305, until Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. local time, at which time bids received will be publicly opened and read.
The project consists of the construction of a park shelter located at 1820 Little Sugarcreek Rd, Bellbrook, Ohio 45305.
The free electronic Bidding Documents which include Plans and Specifications are available at the Park District Headquarters for review or by accessing the link below.
Bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope identified as "Bid No. 2022-001, Magee Park Shelter Construction” and must have full name and address of the Bidder on the envelope. The bid security shall be furnished in accordance with Instructions to Bidders.
The Contractor shall be required to pay not less than the minimum wage rates established by the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of Ohio.
No Bidder shall withdraw his Bid within 60 days after the actual opening thereof.
The Park District reserves the rights defined in the Instructions to Bidders, including, but not limited to the right to reject any or all Bids and to waive any irregularities of Bids, should same be to the advantage of the Park District.